Wednesday 23 March 2011

Seaweed, horse poo and other finds

The life of a puppy is a busy one, so I make no apologies for the infrequency of my blogging.
Today there has been some respite from the non-stop chain of new experiences that I have been enjoying.
This is because we (all of us, me, Mummy and Daddy) are on holiday in a place called Cornwall.
So you'd think we'd be on a beach somewhere and actually we have been every day so far (see picture above, taken yesterday). But today Daddy isn't very well. Something is wrong with him that is a big word that Mummy said on the phone. If I were to guess I'd say you spell it "gastroenteritis". Anyway, he keeps making this quite shocking sound every time he goes into that other room. Then he comes back and ignores me. But I sort of can't hold it against him because he looks so terrible. And mummy is looking after him so we have to be here, in this room that isn't home but is home at the moment. I can see the blue of outside and I can hear the gulls (a type of sea bird, der). But we are stuck in here, listening to Daddy groan. Boring.
But enough of that. I want to tell you about this week. This amazing week of walking and loads of other dogs and sand and big amounts of water that foam up and chase me on the sand. Sometimes it brings seaweed with it, which I like to put in my mouth and take to Mummy, or just chew. Sand is also great for digging. If I dig far enough down then more water comes out. Here is a trench I made yesterday.

We've done soft, grassy walks too. Like this one:

And wherever we walk, there are rocks. These stick out of the ground and very often the only way round is to go over. I didn't like all the going up high and uneven surfaces at first but once I'd done it a couple of times, I wanted to do it all the time. I got quite good at it. Look here, for instance:

And also on the beach, where the rocks are often covered in the seaweed-y stuff:

I think my favourite place in the world might actually be the beach. There is just nothing that is wrong with it. The feel of the ground, the wetness, softness mixed with hardness, loads of different stuff to put in my mouth like twigs and shells as well as seaweed. And the running, my gosh, I can run for miles and miles off the lead and not get told off or asked to come back.
The water is pretty good too, though not when I have to actually swim. I'd rather avoid that if possible. Paddling is about my limit really.

But then, grass-walking is undeniably good too. That's where you are more likely to find horse poo, and let me tell you, you want as much of that as you can get hold of. I mean, not to eat, just to have in your mouth to taste while you walk around. I find it gives me an enormous sense of pride, just having a chunk of that in my mouth. If other dogs see it, you can bet they are seriously jealous. As much as I love putting everything in my mouth, seriously, nothing tops the poo.

Whenever we haven't been walking about, I've been so tired, mainly because I am really, really little, and I think honestly that those walks we've been doing are for much bigger people/ dogs. It is difficult because I have been getting super tired, but then if either Mummy or Daddy picks me up to give my legs a rest, I can't help but think I'd actually much rather be down on the ground after all. I can see better when they carry me and my legs don't hurt, true, but the sniffing is rubbish up there.

Me being carried - fun or not fun? The jury is out

Anyway, I'm a firm believer that there is a time for sleeping and being carried, and usually that time is not when you are outside.

A quick note on other dogs: I am continually flummoxed. Why are some of them so grumpy and snappy, why do others ignore me, and why is it only the small minority who want to play with me? Look at me, for heavensakes. I'm a harmless bundle of fun. I would play with me. I'm trying really hard not to let my feelings get hurt, but every time I go up to a new dog, I'll admit, I'm that tiny bit more wary. I don't want to get my head bitten off, after all. But it is still always worth going up to them and having a try. You never know, you might get lucky.

I'm getting a bit tired again now - even though I haven't been doing much at all today - so I'm going to head off, if that's ok, for a bit of a snooze. TTFN. 

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